Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Ep. 15 | Maggie Dent | The Road To Resilience: Part 1

Ep. 15 | Maggie Dent | The Road To Resilience: Part 1

Maggie Dent is an Australian parenting author, educator and speaker as well as the host of ABC’s Parental As Anything podcast. Known in Australia as the “Queen Of Common Sense”, Maggie specializes in resilience training, particularly in the early and adolescent years. In this 2 part episode, Maggie Dent explains, “Resilience isn’t a trait you’re born with. It’s cultivated and determined by the systems we live within.”



Saturday, 6 June 2020


This week on Family360 podcast, Adolescent Medicine Specialist Dr. Ken Ginsburg talks about “Teens in a Time of COVID”. For timely articles by Dr. Ginsburg and his team at The Center for Parent and Teen Communication go to parentandteen.com.




Thursday, 4 June 2020

This is An Amazing Opportunity

This week on family360 podcast, Dr. Ken Ginsburg discusses the interplay of emotions and empathy in navigating the complexity of this time of pandemic, especially alongside our teens.




Tuesday, 2 June 2020

A vision filled with better possibilities

Through his professional practice and writings, including his website Center for Parent and Teen Communication (parentandteen.com), Dr.Ginsburg’s work illuminates adolescence as a time of rich growth and development; essential to “a vision filled with better possibilities”. 

Check out his encouraging wisdom on this week's family360 podcast episode.


Saturday, 30 May 2020

During This Time of Physical Isolation

During This Time of Physical Isolation

During this time of physical isolation, teens are deprived of natural relational opportunities necessary for their growth and development. Adolescent specialist Dr. Ken Ginsburg shares the challenges of individuation for both parents and teens, and offers encouragement and gentle guidance for this difficult time. Check out his website, the Center for Parent Teen Communication parentandteen.com. For up to date articles, including support for families during COVID-19.


Thursday, 28 May 2020

This week’s guest on Family360 is Dr. Ken Ginsburg

This week’s guest on Family360 is Dr. Ken Ginsburg, an Adolescent Medicine Specialist at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and a Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania. For informative and pertinent articles on family and teens, here is a link to his website parentandteen.com, loaded with articles authored by Dr. Ginsburg and his research team.


Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Ep. 14 | Dr. Ken Ginsburg | Teens in the Time of COVID

Ep. 14 | Dr. Ken Ginsburg | Teens in the Time of COVID

In this episode, Dr. Ken Ginsburg describes our current world crisis as a generation defining moment. The loss of school, sports, activities and experience outside of home all cause unique levels of stress for teens. As well, it can be an opportunity for emotional growth. Dr. Ginsburg says, “Children need to learn to fill their own time, manage their own emotions, and solve their own problems. We should be like lighthouses - ever present, available for guidance – but clear we are not steering the boat.”


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