What is a family? How do we care for one another? How do we help each other flourish and what gives us resilience in difficult times from the earliest years to our last days? How we live life together so that it shapes who we are and how we thrive? All of this happens in the context of family.
Tuesday, 9 June 2020
Ep. 15 | Maggie Dent | The Road To Resilience: Part 1
Ep. 15 | Maggie Dent | The Road To Resilience: Part 1
Maggie Dent is an Australian parenting author, educator and speaker as well as the host of ABC’s Parental As Anything podcast. Known in Australia as the “Queen Of Common Sense”, Maggie specializes in resilience training, particularly in the early and adolescent years. In this 2 part episode, Maggie Dent explains, “Resilience isn’t a trait you’re born with. It’s cultivated and determined by the systems we live within.”
Saturday, 6 June 2020
This week on Family360 podcast, Adolescent Medicine Specialist Dr. Ken Ginsburg talks about “Teens in a Time of COVID”. For timely articles by Dr. Ginsburg and his team at The Center for Parent and Teen Communication go to parentandteen.com.
Thursday, 4 June 2020
This is An Amazing Opportunity
This week on family360 podcast, Dr. Ken Ginsburg discusses the interplay of emotions and empathy in navigating the complexity of this time of pandemic, especially alongside our teens.
Tuesday, 2 June 2020
A vision filled with better possibilities
Through his professional practice and writings, including his website Center for Parent and Teen Communication (parentandteen.com), Dr.Ginsburg’s work illuminates adolescence as a time of rich growth and development; essential to “a vision filled with better possibilities”.
Check out his encouraging wisdom on this week's family360 podcast episode.
Saturday, 30 May 2020
During This Time of Physical Isolation
During This Time of Physical Isolation
During this time of physical isolation, teens are deprived of natural relational opportunities necessary for their growth and development. Adolescent specialist Dr. Ken Ginsburg shares the challenges of individuation for both parents and teens, and offers encouragement and gentle guidance for this difficult time. Check out his website, the Center for Parent Teen Communication parentandteen.com. For up to date articles, including support for families during COVID-19.
Thursday, 28 May 2020
This week’s guest on Family360 is Dr. Ken Ginsburg
This week’s guest on Family360 is Dr. Ken Ginsburg, an Adolescent Medicine Specialist at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and a Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania. For informative and pertinent articles on family and teens, here is a link to his website parentandteen.com, loaded with articles authored by Dr. Ginsburg and his research team.
Tuesday, 26 May 2020
Ep. 14 | Dr. Ken Ginsburg | Teens in the Time of COVID
Ep. 14 | Dr. Ken Ginsburg | Teens in the Time of COVID
In this episode, Dr. Ken Ginsburg describes our current world crisis as a generation defining moment. The loss of school, sports, activities and experience outside of home all cause unique levels of stress for teens. As well, it can be an opportunity for emotional growth. Dr. Ginsburg says, “Children need to learn to fill their own time, manage their own emotions, and solve their own problems. We should be like lighthouses - ever present, available for guidance – but clear we are not steering the boat.”
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Saturday, 23 May 2020
Admiration and appreciation to teachers
With thanks to this week’s guest Muriel Endersby, Family360 extends deep admiration and appreciation to teachers who have worked into the unknown of these last months, making learning fun for children in isolation the world over.,
Thursday, 21 May 2020
A child’s attitude to reading
This week on family 360, educator and author Muriel Endersby discusses the importance of reading as a doorway to knowledge, progress and personal growth.
Tuesday, 19 May 2020
I really enjoyed listening
All around the world right now, dedicated teachers are engaged in new and creative ways of connecting and caring for students. This episode with educator Muriel Endsersby highlights the importance of child centered teaching amidst challenging times.
AND, we are always grateful for comments from our listeners, so thank you Heather Ann!
Saturday, 16 May 2020
Reading is the basis of all academic subjects
This week on family 360 educator and author Muriel Endersby discusses the importance of reading as a doorway to knowledge, progress and personal growth. The love of reading expands our capacity to articulate and understand the life we live in.
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Thursday, 14 May 2020
Elemennopea | Music from Ep. 13
Elemennopea | Music from Ep. 13
This week on family360, literacy specialist Muriel Endersby describes the experience of learning to read as vital. She says, “Reading is the basis of all academic subjects. Once a child learns to read they can read to learn”.
Tuesday, 12 May 2020
Ep. 13 | Muriel Endersby | Learning To Read, Reading To Learn
Ep. 13 | Muriel Endersby | Learning To Read, Reading To Learn
In this episode, author and educator Muriel Endersby shares from her five decades as a literacy specialist. Literacy is a basic currency for knowledge and the gateway to human progress. Alongside education, literacy is deemed the right of a child, yet many children and adults struggle to read. Muriel describes environments and practices that open the door for expanded learning and growth, through nurturing a love and capacity for reading.
Saturday, 9 May 2020
People Care for Only What They Love
In this episode of family360, A Rocha Environmental Director David Anderson speaks to the importance of connecting to nature, the centrality of love and the necessary pain that love entails.
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Tuesday, 5 May 2020
The Peace of Wild Things
The Peace of Wild Things
This week on family360, David Anderson shares his understanding of risk in nature and in love. We offer the beautiful poetry of Wendell Berry as a bridge to understanding the riskiness of love and of life.
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Saturday, 2 May 2020
This week on family360, Episode 12, environmental educator David Anderson shares the loss of his young daughter Thea, as he reflects on the riskiness of life and love.
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Thursday, 30 April 2020
We Give Kids Experiences In Nature
We Give Kids Experiences In Nature
This week on family360, Episode 12, “The Riskiness of Life and Love “ with A Rocha Environmental Director, David Anderson
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Tuesday, 28 April 2020
The Riskiness of Life and Love
The Riskiness of Life and Love
In this episode, environmental educator David Anderson describes his work with international environmental organization A Rocha, inspiring communities to practically engage and steward their neighbourhoods.
He describes risk as a human necessity for engagement with nature, sharing a personal story of loss, that provides a resonant example of what it means to lean into nature, life and love.
Saturday, 25 April 2020
It Takes Courage to Be a Human Being
It takes courage to be a human being. It would be easy to protect yourself, and surround yourself with safe things. But that's a very dry and uninteresting way to live. You have to take risks.
This week on family360, our conversation with poet and author Luci Shaw; considering wonder, imagination and the adventure of living.
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Thursday, 23 April 2020
What's the problem with safe?
What's the problem with safe?
This week on family360, our conversation with poet and author Luci Shaw; considering wonder, imagination and the adventure of living.
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Tuesday, 21 April 2020
This week on family360, our conversation with poet, author and lifelong friend of Madeleine
L’Engle, Luci Shaw; considering wonder, imagination and the mystery of living in family and in our world.
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Saturday, 18 April 2020
This excerpt from her poem Virus, was written by Luci Shaw during this covid crisis. As this week's guest on family360, Luci speaks deeply to the substance of childhood carrying us through our lives.
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Thursday, 16 April 2020
An Essential Part of the Human Being
An Essential Part of the Human Being
Born when her father was 60 years old, poet and author Luci Shaw describes his adventure inspired legacy. Now, at 91 years of age, a renowned poet and author, Luci Shaw, shares what it means to live beyond ourselves, in adventure and learning.
Tuesday, 14 April 2020
Ep. 11 | Luci Shaw | The Crime Of Living Cautiously
Ep. 11 | Luci Shaw | The Crime Of Living Cautiously
This week on family360, poet, publisher and author Luci Shaw reflects on her 91 years of creative and courageous living. She shares from her childhood experience, her friendships and her adventurous professional collaborations.
“It takes courage to be a human being. It would be easy to protect yourself and guard yourself with safe things, but that is a very dry and uninteresting way to live.” Luci Shaw
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Saturday, 11 April 2020
I Am My Silence
This week on family360, Child Psychologist Dr. Vanessa Lapointe and Family Therapist David Loyst join to talk about Adapting in an Age of Anxiety. Our conversation recalled this lovely excerpt from Richard Wagamese’s award winning book, Embers, as he reflects on the benefit and beauty of solitude and silence.
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Thursday, 9 April 2020
The contrasting potentials of dark and light
In this week's family360 conversation, Dr Vanessa Lapointe observes the contrasting potentials of dark and light, as practical forces for change.
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Tuesday, 7 April 2020
Where do I close my borders?
Where do I close my borders?
This week on family360: a conversation recorded this last week of March 2020, with Family Therapist David Loyst and Child Psychologist Dr. Vanessa Lapointe.
With wise words for family and mental health, David and Vanessa probe us to consider the story of our internal narratives.
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Saturday, 4 April 2020
In the midst of all that is
In the midst of all that is, there is communal beauty that reflects a story greater than the moment we’re in. This week on family360 podcast, Dr. Vanessa Lapointe and Family Therapist David Loyst - on adapting in an age of anxiety.
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Thursday, 2 April 2020
Adapting In An Age of Anxiety
In this episode of family360, Dr. Vanessa Lapointe and Family Therapist David Loyst discuss routines and practices that bring balance when life is disrupted, routines have altered and our days are out of sync.
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Tuesday, 31 March 2020
This week on family360
Life is disrupted and stress and anxiety are natural responses in the midst of health, financial and family concern. This episode of family360 hosts a conversation exploring life together on the uprooted ground of our world health pandemic.
Child Psychologist Dr. Vanessa Lapointe and Family Therapist David Loyst, share their personal and professional understanding of finding balance when life seismically shifts beneath our feet.
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Saturday, 28 March 2020
Welcome To Family 360 podcast!
We just finished our first 9 episodes.
Our celebration is a little muted because of the difficulties facing our world, but we wanted to acknowledge this event for those of you new to us.
A huge thank you to our articulate Specialists, Artists and Storytellers, for our conversations exploring life together.
To those of you following Family360 - our deep appreciation!
To those of you just finding us - go back and catch them all!
We’d love to journey with you!
Listen, Enjoy, & Subscribe ==> www.family360podcast.com
Thursday, 26 March 2020
Right now, as we are in the realities of our world health crisis, we have the opportunity to look inside ourselves and our life together, to appreciate what we value and consider what we want to change.
This episode with internationally renowned children’s artist and environmental activist Raffi, highlights his music and vision for a more unified and sustainable way of being.
We hope you find Raffi’s words an encouragement to your days.
Tuesday, 24 March 2020
With all our children at home during this world health crisis, Raffi’s Foundation For Child Honouring is a wonderful on-line course to assist our thinking and family practice.
In this interview, children’s champion and ecological advocate Raffi, shares his vision for universal partnership; for our children, for each other, and for our planet.
Listen To Our Podcast with Raffi - https://bit.ly/3b3RetN
Saturday, 21 March 2020
In this interview, Raffi shares his philosophy on the symbiotic relationship between earth and child.
Listen Now http://bit.ly/EP9_Raffi
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Thursday, 19 March 2020
Baby Beluga Turns 40
Baby Beluga Turns 40
This week on Family360 we join the renowned children’s troubadour, author and environmental activist Raffi, to celebrate 40 years of his Baby Beluga song and album, as well as his newest venture, The Raffi Foundation for Child Honouring.
“I think children who know themselves, know their place in the wondrous world.” - Raffi
Wednesday, 18 March 2020
Ep. 9 | Raffi | All We Really Need
Ep. 9 | Raffi | All We Really Need
We taped this interview with Raffi early 2020, when information on the COVID-19 virus was in its infancy. Here we are almost 2 months later, experiencing a pandemic.
In this episode, beloved children’s troubadour, environmental activist, and author Raffi, speaks passionately about global awareness and our need to unite together as a global family in our care and honouring of each other.
He says,“ If we are serious in our desire to give our best to the young, we need to know the interconnected world they live in, the connection between person, culture and planet.“ Woven together with his enduring music, Raffi reflects on his past while boldly speaking to our future.
This is a timely conversation, with the committed hope Raffi has for children, the earth, and our future.
We hope you find this episode encouraging and uplifting.
Monday, 16 March 2020
Sunday, 15 March 2020
Poetic Reflections
Friday, 13 March 2020
A literary excerpt from Novelist and Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison on Jazz as it pertains to our human story.
Listen & Share ==> bit.ly/Family360_Blended_Families
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Thursday, 5 March 2020
Tuesday, 3 March 2020
In this episode, Jill Alexander shares the story of giving her child up for adoption. Her journey through loss, co-dependency and discovery shines light on the complex weight of shame and the hope of reconciliation and connection with her past. Together, Jill and her husband, Brian Fraser, speak to the potential and the joy of blended family.
Sunday, 23 February 2020
Family therapist Jamil Popatia is a specialist in nonviolent communication. This week on family360 he offers a paradigm for mitigating conflict through the understanding of universal needs. Join us!
Thursday, 20 February 2020
Jamil Popatia is a specialist in nonviolent communication and advocate for dignified dialogue. His work as a therapist supports families, communities and individuals seeking to expand both intrapersonal and interpersonal connection. He says “Working on oneself seems to be the primary task, and life long.”
Listen Now to Episode 7 ==> http://bit.ly/Jamil_Popatia
Wednesday, 19 February 2020
In this episode family therapist and nonviolent communication specialist Jamil Popatia discusses a paradigm for mitigating conflict through the understanding of universal needs. Drawing on the work of Victor Frankl (Man's Search For Meaning) and Marshall Rosenberg (Nonviolent Communication: A Language Of Life), Jamil explores tolerance and difference through dignified dialogue.
Listen Here ==> http://bit.ly/37GRUmK
Saturday, 15 February 2020
Do you know your emotions, don't rest, when you sleep? Emotions rest when you play. Learn more about your emotions and the importance of play. This week with our guest Dr. Gordon Neufeld.
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Thursday, 13 February 2020
Tuesday, 11 February 2020
An excellent episode from a wonderful podcast: On Being with Krista Tippet. Highly recommend!
Saturday, 8 February 2020
Wednesday, 5 February 2020
In this episode, Child Psychologist, Author, and Developmental Theorist, Dr. Gordon Neufeld, outlines 6 stages of growth and development for building ‘capacity for relationship’ within ourselves and with others. He describes ‘togetherness’ as a human instinct, paramount to even survival instinct, augmenting current scientific discovery on the necessity of enduring attachment, in both children and adults.
Listen Here ==> http://bit.ly/2Sfmj5W
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